Monday, October 24, 2016

Kinetic Carousels!

Kinetic Carousels have to be one of favorite my newer STEAM projects. I recently presented about this at the Maryland Art Education Association conference but realized I have not made a blog post about it! I stumbled across them while looking for more ways my students could utilize the milk caps we have been collecting. I thought they were cool but need to let the students have a voice in the design some how so I started making prototypes and came up with a blank one that could allow the students to add their own idea. The example is from one of my 8th grade students that was given the challenge to design one.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Practicing Trees

Kindergarten and first grade were working on the concepts of landscapes and talked about how some trees can be structured. The students looked at a few paintings of landscapes. We connected back to the book we read a few weeks ago called Lines that Wiggle and talked about how lines can be seen in the environment. Here is a kindergarten example for the first day of practicing landscapes.